Support services

If you need immediate personal assistance, you can always visit the emergency psychiatric services at a hospital near you.

If you are in a life-threatening situation, call emergency services, and in dangerous situation, call the police. You can find a list of worldwide emergency numbers here:
List of emergency telephone numbers - Wikipedia

Telephone numbers in Germany:

  • emergency services: 112
  • police: 110


Additional resources for English-speakers: 

United Kingdom: List of Crisis Hotlines provided by

United States of America: List of Crisis Hotlines provided by the APA
Crisis hotlines and resources (

Helplines, suicide hotlines, and crisis-lines from around the world

International mental crisis hotlines


Additional resources for German-speakers:

Overview of emergency numbers
List of various numbers that can help in cases of health problems, acute crises and poisoning.
Numbers for emergencies |

Telephone counseling
Anonymous advice (chat, email, telephone) free of charge from all over Germany.
Tel.: 0800 / 11 10 111
Tel.: 0800 / 11 10 222

Helpline for sexual abuse
Anonymous, free and multilingual telephone advice.
Tel.: 0800 22 55 530


Specific resources for psychedelic-related problems

For English-speakers:

Psychedelic Support
List of mental health providers or support groups in your area.

Fireside Project
Call or text the Psychedelic Support Line for emotional support during and after psychedelic experiences.
Call or text: 62-FIRESIDE

Shine collective for psychedelic survivors
Support group for those who have experienced sexual violence or other forms of harm in a psychedelic setting.

ICEERS support service
Offering five free counsel sessions for people who have had negative psychedelic experiences.

Perception Restoration Foundation
List featuring Specialist from different countries with expertise in HPPD.


For German-speakers:

Offer for people with mental health problems after taking psychedelics
University outpatient clinic for psychotherapy and psychodiagnostics at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.
Tel.: +49 (0)30 2093 4936

Outpatient clinic for psychedelic substances
Psychiatric University Clinic of the Charité in St. Hedwig Hospital, Berlin, Germany.
Tel.: +49 (0)30 2311 2979

Study on psychedelic experience without (immediate) prior use of psychedelics

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)

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